
September Celebrations

September 4 – Labor Day
While we all enjoy a long weekend as the summer winds down, few of us stop to consider the origins of Labor Day. Since becoming a federal holiday in 1894 on the heels of the labor movement, Labor Day recognizes the value of the American worker, particularly economically and socially disadvantaged groups who, at the time, worked long hours under dangerous conditions.Workplaces have come a long way since then through legislation, employee advocacy, and cultural trends (to name a few). If you are celebrating Labor Day with a barbeque, pool party, sporting event, or simply kicking back and relaxing, we say, GO FOR IT! You earned it, and we appreciate you!

September 16th – National Working Parents Day
Parenthood famously comes with incredible blessings, but also unique challenges and tribulations. With care costs on the rise, food prices through the roof, work and life pulling them in different directions, and time as limited as ever, working parents definitely don’t always have it easy.Consider how your employment policies affect working parents. Talk to the working parentson your team to find out what they feel is helpful, and what they would change. Ask them how you can best support them. Don’t forget to thank them for all they do… and maybe a DoorDash gift card wouldn’t hurt!How do your policies empower all working parents on your team?

September 22 – American Business Women’s Day
Founded in 1949, the American Business Women’s Association set out on its mission to unite women in business across the nation in diverse industries, roles and occupations, increase the opportunities available to them, and enrich their lives personally and professionally. Officially recognized as a holiday by President Ronald Regan, August 22nd is observed in honor of the millions of working and business-owning American women. As a woman-owned and women-operated business, we urge you to observe and honor American Business Women’s Day in your workplaces by ordering lunch or snacks from a woman-owned eatery, writing complimentary online reviews for your favorite woman-owned businesses, mentoring an emerging female leader, or shouting out amazing women in business on your social media channels. What are some ways you are uplifting the women in your companies?

September 26 – Human Resources Professionals Day (our favorite!)
SweeterHR team would like to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude to all of our clients and partners who have trusted us with your HR needs and given us the opportunity to support you. We are so passionate about HR and love to represent and uplift this amazing and dynamic field. If you have an HR professional on your team, or someone owning these important responsibilities, we encourage you to show them your gratitude. If you have a business owner in your network who could benefit from our passion and expertise, our team would love to connect with them! We also provide referral incentives through discounts on services! How has your perception of HR changed over time?

September 29 – National Coffee Day
Oh coffee… how do we love thee? Let us count the Starbucks.

Coffee is as beloved a beverage as beer, more beloved than wine, and almost as beloved as soft drinks. Most of us wouldn’t dream of starting our mornings without it. At work, many meetings are held, deals closed, interviews conducted, and projects completed over coffee. Some research even suggests that having coffee on hand at the office (whether home or onsite) can increase productivity and heighten brain activity… but you didn’t need us to tell you that. To positively impact employee satisfaction, consider investing in a quality coffee or espresso machine for your office. If your employees are remote, send them a perk that perks them up with a hot and caffeinated beverage delivery. How do you take your coffee?