Recruiting HR Leaders

Hire top HR leaders!

We Have You Covered!

Years ago, when I sat in with a client to complete interviews for their next HR manager, I was astounded at the lack of knowledge the candidates exhibited that the recruiting agency sent us. The HR candidates had the experience in years, but lacked the knowledge of an HR manager, the knowledge they’d need to be successful in that particular role, within that particular industry, and with that particular employee population. However, the recruiting firm didn’t know HR well enough to know what questions to ask and the experience required. I was able to remove candidates who would have been detrimental employees to the company with 3 simple questions. At that point, I knew the team at SweeterHR would be much better equipped to hire amazing HR leaders.

— Sasha Mamula-Elkins, President

HR Recruiting is Our Focus!

However, we also have a stellar reputation for recruiting the following positions: