Company Holiday Parties

Tis’ the Season of Company Holiday Parties!

The holiday season is a perfect time to show gratitude for your employees and it is your responsibility to create a safe and welcoming environment inside and outside the workplace. As leaders, it is important to consider a few extra steps to take when throwing a Holiday party.

Remind participants that work policies are still applicable.

Make the event voluntary, if not, hours attended are considered “hours worked” and could trickle into overtime pay that your company will be responsible for.

Be inclusive; guarantee that the holiday party is non-denominational.

If serving alcohol,

Redistribute drug/alcohol policy.

Consider limiting intake by providing 2-3 tickets.

Serve food, coffee and water.

Prepare activities for the last couple of hours.

Offer transportation, rideshares, or designated driver incentives.

Redistribute your company’s harassment policy especially if there is alcohol consumption.

Gift exchange? Gauge the money spent and nature of the gift

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On September 30, 2023, California enacted Senate Bill 553 (Cortese), introducing new mandates under California Labor Code section 6401.9, effective July 1, 2024. This legislation

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